Video doorbell with camera

Innovative video doorbells from Weber Protect

Kinder verkleidet vor der Haustür zu Halloween

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Top surveillance technology at Olympic prices. Get it now and win!

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Geschäftsführer stehen hinter Weber Protect Produkten

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International Women's Day

Our team not only stands for excellent quality, but is also available to provide you with advice and support before and after your purchase.

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Türklingel mit Kamera und Klingelgong

Razor-sharp image

The high resolution of our video doorbells delivers sharp, detailed images and videos for precise surveillance.

Motion detection

The video doorbell features advanced, AI-based people detection that precisely identifies and alerts movements.

Always available

No matter where you are, you can always stay informed about the situation on your doorstep using the Werber Protect app.

Power supply

Whether wireless for up to 180 days with the
ProV1 Wireless Video Doorbell
or directly connected to your doorbell wires with the
Cardea 2 2-wire video doorbell,
a constant power supply is always guaranteed.

Bell gong supplied

Every Weber Protect video doorbell comes with a chime that you can use at any socket in your home. You can connect any number of gongs.

Doorbell comparison

Wired or Battery-Powered? Here are the key differences at a glance

Video Türklingel mit App
Cardea 2 Video doorbell Sale priceFrom €219,00 Regular price€229,00
Video Türklingel mit Kamera
ProV1 Video Doorbell (Battery) Sale priceFrom €219,00 Regular price€229,00
Funkklingel inklusive Klingelgong
Radio doorbell (Chime + Button) Sale price€29,99 Regular price€39,99
Power supply


Battery, 180 days

Not necessary (mechanical)

Two-way communication

Motion detection

Person detection

Person detection

Detection range

Customizable detection zones

Customizable detection zones

Video resolution

Full HD

Full HD

App control

Weber Protect App

Weber Protect App


Frequently Asked Questions about Video Doorbells

We didn't answer your questions? Call us or write to us via the contact form or chat.
+49 (0)30 318765100
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