Video surveillance and surveillance cameras are having an impact

Schutz durch Überwachungskameras
There are now significantly more private households and commercial properties secured with security systems in Germany than there were just a few years ago. These safety measures are effective! Significantly more burglary attempts have been registered in recent years. At the same time, the number of aborted and failed break-in attempts has also increased significantly. *

The number of burglary attempts increased by 21.5% to 65,908 in 2022 compared to the previous year. However, the number of failed and aborted break-in attempts has increased to almost 50%. * (*Source: Police Crime Statistics 2022/BKA)

The police repeatedly point out that reliable security systems such as surveillance cameras and video surveillance are the existential basis for protecting houses and apartments. Police statistics show that properties that are equipped with alarm or security technologies are significantly less likely to be the target of attempted break-ins. The BKA also justifies the increased number of aborted and failed break-in attempts due to the increased use of technical security precautions.

Burglars can be caught in the act much more quickly and effectively using house security techniques. You therefore stay away from secured objects or stop a break-in attempt as soon as you notice video surveillance or something similar.

House and apartment owners have been investing intensively in protecting their property for some time now. This is reflected in falling burglary numbers. However, this should not be an all-clear, but rather an incentive to think about the ideal security concept for your home. Anyone who invests in security technology has been proven to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of a break-in.

The security experts at Weber Protect will be happy to help you analyze your individual security needs. A holistic security concept does not have to be associated with large costs. You don't have to hire expensive tradesmen to use Weber Protect's security products. You can install and configure all products yourself.

Our range of security products offers everything you need to protect your home. Our video surveillance products protect your home from the front door to the garden.

Please visit our website or contact our customer service for individual advice:
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Mon – Fri: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
Tel: +40 (0)30 318765100

Because: Only those who ensure safety are safe!

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Rechtliche Grundlage der Videoüberwachung

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